Monday, February 19, 2007

Assumption Interuptus

Apostasy ( meaning a defection or revolt) is a term generally employed to describe the formal renunciation of one's religion, especially if the motive is deemed unworthy. In a technical sense, as used sometimes by sociologists without the sometimes negative connotations of the word, the term refers to renunciation and criticism of, or opposition to one's former religion (now includes belief systems). One of the possible reasons for this renunciation is loss of faith; another is the alleged failure of religious indoctrination and/or brainwashing. A common realization is that religion has been used to control and suppress the masses, while generating enormous revenue for the institution that sells salvation using fear, guilt and shame, the use of which is an abomination.

The original esoteric spiritual teachings upon which many were originally based have been obscured and perverted by egoic intention. Much of the doctrine and teaching has come to be seen as a fabrication of man, if not distorted, and not that of a divine source. Religious institutions that use fear and practice judgment are now considered by some to be the manifestation of the Antichrist, which uses fear as opposed to love as a modus operandi, depending on a popular ignorance for their existence. As predicted by the wise in the past, many have been fooled, and it has led to destructive fundamentalism, terrorism, and the religious right in politics. "Many analysts have found that conservative members of politics have been damaged by their association with the religious right and their attempt to align themselves with some of it's ideology in order to attract votes." This epiphany has given rise to a movement towards spirituality and away from the illusions perpetuated by many organized religions.

In conjunction with this new awareness I have sought the original insights, wisdom, and knowledge born of a spiritual source and divine intention, that were suppressed, destroyed and often claimed to be heresy by various religious institutions. Many of the ancient and modern scripts empower the individual, and imply a direct connection to omnipotent being that does not require another entity as an intermediary.

I have recently discovered the Agape Internation Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. I think this community is great because it creates a very strong positive reinforcing energy. One of love not fear. It teaches the principles that lead to becoming an infinite player in contrast to being a finite player. An infinite player plays with and outside boundaries, they play for the fun of playing, not to win, there really is no oponent with whom to compete. They know the winner and loser are really the same. Much like the way children play.

The finite player plays within boundaries and plays for the purpose of winning the game. They play finite games with an ending producing a loser and winner. Much like the games adults play.

Agape is a threat to the status quo because it reverses the conditioning necessary for a population of indentured servants. They teach a way that eliminates fear and judgment, unlike most fundamentalist religions, politicians, corporations which promote fear and judgment. Fear is the number one cause behind all what is not right in the world, all the conflict. Agape leads to one becoming infinite minded in a world of infinite possibility. In contrast to a world of the finite minded and limited possibility. Agape shows us that we do not need to lead the life of the mundane, as many would have us do to their benefit, hoping for a couch potato nation that does not question and does not grow. We have all been conditioned from birth with certain patterns, and beliefs that were created not for our benefit but those that taught them.

I have been liberated from that conditioning and bondage. I know I have found a huge unexplainable increase in synchronicity and have connected with the most amazing people and opportunity. It is through direct experience that truth becomes self evident. It is this we should trust.

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