Monday, October 23, 2006


Since Chris left I decided to read myself to sleep like I use to do. So far, the reading makes me sleepy but I think I have slept a total of 6 hours since Saturday. As kismit or devine spirit or whatever would have it, the book I picked out to read must have been started about 2 years ago. Inside was a note-size piece of paper, writen on it was Chris' cell. phone number, his job title, two of his email addresses, a date of 11/2004, seven titles of previous posts from his blog (looking back they were entries I was most amused by - "Drunk on JD & Coke" for one), and the make/model of the car he totalled just a month prior to our first encounter. This is a piece of how I got to know him and I am keeping it. Kind of weird to take notes about someone but damn if I wasn't sprung over this guy. It goes without saying I still am. i just hope that since this post will be the first of me telling him this he doesn't now think I am a stalker.

Finding this piece of our history is so timely with him being away. I miss him so much................................................................ and now we are out of Kleenex.

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