Saturday, October 14, 2006

Some Kid Stuff

I've been wanting to post about some fun things, but haven't because I've been so caught up in my own emotional mourning. Today I was asked by my cousin (I have many but only have a relationship with one - how sad is that?) to watch her 3-year-old son Jonah. I opted to do it at her house since my house is in its sterile "buy me" state and I thought it would be good for Hayden and I to get out of Chris' way so he could finish the remainder of his to-do list. Well, not but an hour after Yvette left, Jonah thought it was a good idea to paint the kitchen table with blue fingernail polish. I have tried my best with polish remover and elbow grease to get it off but it is still there. I haven't broke the news yet and won't until her husband gets home and I soften the blow by having the dishes done and kitchen picked up. Future Picasso?

Second thing, Hayden has been going along with me to show houses and has been a great helper. He is catching on by telling my clients, "This is your new house -tah dah", as I unlock the door. He is really beginning to show more patience which I am so appreciative of.

In other news, Chris suggested that he and I go out tomorrow night. I was praying that he would want to do something with me before he leaves. I guess the Law of Attraction was in my favor. Hopefully Yvette will be able to watch Hayden for our date. I'll be sure to leave the fingernail polish at home.

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